2016 Chester Race Week A 0762 PhotoBoatcomDear Atlantic Canada Recreational Boating Industry Member,

Boating Atlantic Association exists to serve members of the recreational boating industry in the Atlantic Provinces. We do our best to help you market your products through our ownership of the Halifax International Boat Show.

The Association works closely with NMMA Canada, other Canadian Marine Trades Associations and the Nova Scotia Boat Builders Association to keep up todate with issues affecting our boating industry and educational opportunities for members including the Nova Scotia Marine Service Technician Certification and Apprenticeship Program.

Boating Atlantic is represented on the National Recreational Boating Advisory Council to Transport Canada Marine Safety.

I hope that you will consider becoming a member or if you are an existing member, that you will continue your membership. 

Tara Mills
Members receive:
  • A  member discount on space at the Halifax International Boat Show
  • An opportunity to serve on the Halifax International Boat Show Committee which directs the Boat Show
  • Listing on boatingatlantic.com and maritimeboating.com (Boating Atlantic Guide)
  • Member e-news
  • An opportunity to be on the Board of Directors

2024 Membership fee is $450.00 plus 15% HST